LANCELOT - Keynote Template V3

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Introducing LANCELOT, a modern, clean, and professional presentation template designed specifically for brand goods, agencies, or any type of business. This fully editable template makes customization a breeze-simply replace images and text to fit your needs.


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  • 30 Unique Slide Presentations: A diverse set of slides to cover all your presentation requirements.
  • Easy to Edit: User-friendly design allows for quick adjustments.
  • Modern Layouts: Based on master slides for a cohesive look.
  • Resizable Graphics: All graphics are fully resizable to match your specifications.
  • Free Fonts Used: Stylish and modern fonts included for a polished presentation.
  • Drag and Drop Images: Effortlessly insert images with a simple drag-and-drop feature.
  • File Information Included: Documentation to guide you through the features and customization process.

Free Font Used:

(All links for fonts are provided in the documentation.)


  • Photos in the preview image are not included.

Thank you for considering LANCELOT for your presentation needs. We hope you find it perfect for making a lasting impression!

Let me know if you need any further adjustments or additional details!


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